Symptoms and Cures for Insomnia (Part 5)
Finding cures for insomnia that work are worth their weight in gold to back pain and sciatica sufferers! The symptoms of insomia include:
- exhaustion
- feeling disorientated
- mood swings
- hormone disruption especially in women
- bad tempers
- irritability
- feelings of hopeless and despair
- inability to cope with chronic pain courageously
- inability to switch off the conscious mind and fall asleep
- worry, anxiety, panic attacks
Yes, symptoms of insomnia are all unpleasant and chronic pain sufferers could well do without them too.
The best way to cure insomnia aside from painkillers, sleeping tablets and maybe a hot bath is to try and relax about the fact you can’t easily fall asleep. An insomnia cure which is 100% natural and non chemical to deal with the troubling symptoms of insomnia which can lead to depression is detailed in the ebook “Seven Powerful Pain Relief Methods”.
In this post, I’ll be discussing the main causes of insomnia especially in those who suffer from back spasms and oxygen deprivation back pain.
One of the main insomnia causes for pain sufferers is physical pain. Pain in body is really a bell on an internal alarm system that is ringing to say something somewhere isn’t ‘right’.
Pain signals are sent by the nerves via the autonomic nervous system which is hardwired into our bodies and pain signals are sent to specific pain motor neurons in the brain.
As the spine is particularly dense in nerves, any pain there will send out messages loud and clear to the brain.
It’s essential to find cures for insomnia for back pain and sciatica sufferers because with a good night’s sleep you can cope better with recovery and also recurrent pain, you look and feel better also!
To sleep therefore, pain nerve signals from the back need to be switched off. If they aren’t switched off they’ll keep ‘tripping’ the internal alarm system and keep the pain sufferer awake.
One of the main insomnia causes is the brain trying to figure out how to fix what’s wrong or figure out what’s wrong in the body or the mind. The brain (at least unconsciously) feels a need to stay awake to consciously protect the organism, it’s part of an inbuilt survival mechanism.
However, the brain’s mechanism where pain is concerned can be self defeating. The unconscious part of the mind, that regulates sleep, isn’t logical or rational as the conscious part of the mind is! It needs to be retrained to ‘let go’ and let the body and brain fall asleep.
Fortunately, there’s a simple way to do this and it’s 100% natural too.
Put into practice, within 4 weeks or so, you’ll happily be in the land of nod in no time at all, once the new neural pathways for sleep have been formed. A year on from using this method and it still works for me, like a dream!
This process is one of the seven powerful pain relief methods in the ebook. It can really help break the frustrating pattern of sleepless nights and sleep deprived, fatigued days, these are no walk in the park.
Soon, your insomnia symptoms will be a thing of the past.